Dear Colleagues…

16th January 2018
Dear Colleagues,
I hope all is well with you.  It was good to see many colleagues from around the UK at the 2018 Conference.
I am pleased to say that I have now been developing for around 17 years, since 2001.  It started as a small in-school project as part of some studies I was doing, and then grew into a resource for Kodesh teachers around the world.  I have had positive feedback and expressions of thanks for different resources from near and very far.  It actually didn’t occur to me that anyone except for Yr.5 Kerem parents might be looking, until I received an email from Melbourne!  Recently, our son was a counsellor on Camp Morasha in the States, and a few of the American counsellors told him they teach Kodesh and use his dad’s website!
Some months ago my web space provider informed me that, for technical reasons, it was going to have to take my website down from its servers permanently.  As a result, I had to completely rebuild torahschool, which has been a big job, and is still a work in progress.
However, I took the opportunity to completely redesign the whole site, using a new, modern software platform.  I am now relaunching, and I hope you will find that the following changes are helpful:
– fresh, clean design
– simple, uncluttered Home Page (at least compared with the old one!)
– easy navigation with drop-down menus – see above 🙂
– mobile-phone friendly
– tutorial videos now converted from Flash to Windows Media format
  to make them usable on iPads (which didn’t exist in 2001!)
– includes many of the old resources, and a growing number of new ones
I just want to invite you to look around and make use of anything you find, and I do hope you chance upon something that is helpful or that makes your life a little easier, or more interesting, or even inspired.
Thank you for taking the time to read this – I know how busy you are!