My written notes on Hilchot STAM (Sefer Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzah)

My written notes on Hilchot STAM (Sefer Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzah)

based on shiurim with Rav Natan Siegel ztz”l.  I was privileged to learn from Rav Siegel,  first in a small shiur and then 1-1, in Efrat, 5749 / 1989.  Hashem took back his holy soul in August 2017 / Ellul 5777.
(These notes mainly covering: sections of Gemara, Mishnah Berurah 36, Mishnat Sofrim, Mishnah Berurah 32.  The front page still has “HaRav Natan Siegel shlita” because he passed away since I prepared this document and that needs to be updated.  May his memory be for a blessing.)

Here is the certificate Rav Segal wrote for me.  He didn’t have time to do more than write it with a regular biro because I was getting ready to leave the yeshiva and return to the UK in the morning.