Shiurim and Published Divrei Torah in Memory of my Dear Parents, a”h

Annual Shiurim in Memory of My Dear Parents a”h

My shiur on the first yahrtzeit for my dear father, a”h, 18th Adar 5775 l’ilui nishmoso:   “Inspiration”

This lecture by Professor Gerald Schroeder was organised by my sister and delivered in Beit Shemesh, also on the first yahrtzeit for our dear father, a”h, 18th Adar 5775 l’ilui nishmoso:   “Torah and Teva (Nature): Conflict or Confluence”


My shiur for the second yahrtzeit for my dear father, a”h, 18th Adar Rishon 5776 l’ilui nishmoso. (the yahrtzeit was Shabbos, the shiur was on the previous Wednesday):   “Themes in Chumash”


My shiur on the third yahrtzeit for my dear father, a”h, 18th Adar 5777 and just before the first yahrtzeit for my dear mother, a”h, 21st Adar 5777:   “Torah Themes – Akeidas Yitzchok, Teshuvah, Shabbos”


My shiur on the fourth yahrtzeit for my dear father, a”h, 18th Adar 5778 and just before the second yahrtzeit for my dear mother, a”h, 21st Adar 5778:   “Yetzias Mitzrayim”


My shiur  on the third yahrtzeit for my dear mother, a”h, 21st Adar Rishon 5779 and just after the fifth yahrtzeit for my dear father, a”h, 18th Adar Rishon 5779:  “The Mishkan – A Place for Hashem”


Annual Yahrtzeit shiur, usually in Adar, did not take place in 5780 / 2020 due to Coronavirus / Covid 19


NEW Essay, KisleV 5783:

Toldot – Educate the child…


Published Essay, Adar 5780:

Ki Sisso, …and its name is Shabbos


‘Simcha in Uncertain Times’ – at ‘Start Your Day the Torah Way’ 7th Teves 5781, 22nd December 2020, in memory of my dear parents a”h, my dear friend and chevrusa a”h, and a special Rebbe a”h:

Poster, Simcha in Uncertain Times - small

Media from




My shiur  on the fifth yahrtzeit for my dear mother, a”h, 21st Adar 5781 and just after the seventh yahrtzeit for my dear father, a”h, 18th Adar 5781.  This shiur was given via Zoom, and the folder contains both the audio and the sources sheet through which I worked.  The shiur:   “Knowing Hashem”


The Journey to Ahavat Hashem

This shiur was delivered on 25-08-21 as part of a series of weekly shiurim run by ‘2020 Torah’ in memory of Dalia Hillman z”l.

Register free with ‘2020 Torah’ to access all recordings and other benefits:

< link to 2020 Torah >

The Journey to Ahavat Hashem – video

The Journey to Ahavat Hashem – audio


My shiur, on the eighth yahrtzeit for my dear father, a”h, 18th Adar Rishon 5782 and just before the sixth yahrtzeit for my dear mother, a”h, 21st Adar Rishon 5782.  This shiur was given via Zoom.  The shiur:  “Reflections on Teshuvah”


D’var Torah delivered in Kehilas Toras Chaim, London UK:

Pekudei 2022 – 5782:  A Mishkan in my Heart


Divrei Torah Published in ‘Oneg Shabbos’
in Memory of my Dear Parents a”h

1. Oneg Chanukah 5777~2016 p.15, ‘From Darkness to Light’

2. Oneg Pesach 5777~April 2017 p.8, ‘Taking Egypt Out of the Jews’

3. Oneg Vayeira 5778~Nov. 2017 p.6, ‘Understanding the Akeidah’

4. Oneg Miketz Chanukah 5778~Dec. 2017 p.12 ‘Chanukah, Torah She Be’Al Peh’

5. Oneg Bo 5778~Jan. 2018 p.4 ‘The Mitzvah of Kiddush HaChodesh’


Article in ‘The Jewish Weekly’ Newspaper

16th March 2023

c l i c k   b e l o w

Chinuch and Education
