TS JLP Tefillah Vocabulary

Tefillah Vocabulary

Tefillah Words – small (with English and numbers)

Tefillah Words – small (just Hebrew and numbers)

Tefillah Words – small (just Hebrew)

Tefillah Words – large (for wall display)

(Note that all the words have a black border to make them look like they have been mounted on black, which saves us the trouble of mounting them at all!)


Classroom Tefillah Display

[a few pictures in this display are from Walder Education.org]


Once you have put up a display like this you can enhance your daily Tefillah by referring your students to the different words and word-families. I like to get the children to choose one or two, no more than three Tefillah words each day that they will look out for as they daven. Different children daily are given the opportunity to decide which words the whole class will be looking for during Tefillah, and before we launch into our davening we briefly discuss the literal and broader / deeper meanings of the selected words. Since so many of these ‘Tefillah Words’ have rich, evocative meanings, there is potential here for really valuable pre-Tefillah discussion which then acts as a powerful backdrop to the class Tefillah that follows.

Here is a more close-up image of the ‘Tefillah Discussion Questions.’ If you want to use the Powerpoint then you can download it here: https://torahschool.co.uk/tefillah-corner/

Yr.6 Tefilloh Words Display, Discussion Questions