1. Toldot – Educate the child…

2. Research Papers on Tefillah in Schools

by Rabbi Dr. Eli Kohn


3. Audios of Parashah shiurim

by Rabbi Isaac Bernstein זצ״ל

and לבח״ל Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein שליט״א


4. Sedra Summaries, Rashis and Divrei Torah

for the whole school year (pdfs and editable files)

   [under ‘text’ in main menu]


5. Around 80 video lessons

uploaded during Lockdown

[in main menu go to ‘General / MFS /

Lockdown Video Lessons’]


6. Editable files for the whole TorahSchool JLP

(Jewish Literacy Programme)


7. New content in ‘Library of Inspiration’


8. QGL (Questions for Great Learning)

Chumash Bookmark


9. Probably the Greatest Learning Mind Map

in the World!


10. New content in ‘Teaching and Learning’


11. Tefillah: ‘Tefillah Enrichment’ (Lower KS2)

and ‘26 Discussion Questions’ (Upper KS2)



12. Halachah Links


13. Shiur: The Journey to Ahavat Hashem

(click and scroll down to find this shiur)



The main menu has also been reorganised

to make it easier to find the resources you want.
